Captain America: Sam Wilson #6
Chances: 1 in 2.44
Il reste 993
Captain America: Sam Wilson #6
Chances: 1 in 3.85
Il reste 629
Captain America: Sam Wilson #6
Chances: 1 in 5.31
Il reste 456
Captain America: Sam Wilson #6
Chances: 1 in 9.93
Il reste 244
Captain America: Sam Wilson #6
Chances: 1 in 24.22
Il reste 100
The First Appearance of Joaquín Torres as the new Falcon! Showdown on Wall Street! Team Cap's final showdown with Serpent Solutions. The road to Standoff starts here! This release features VeVe-Exclusive Rare & Ultra Rare covers by Justin Mason. 5 x Cover Variants - Classic Cover: Common - Vintage Variant: Uncommon - Hero Variant: Rare - Vibranium Variant: Ultra Rare - True Believer Variant: Secret Rare © 2025 MARVEL