Red Sonja #2

Red Sonja #2
"Bigger than issue #1! Twice as many writers! 2 Stories! Twice as many artists! Even more colorists! How is that possible?!?!?!!??!!? Read on fellow Red Sonja fan and you'll see how we make the ultimate Dynamite Red Sonja!
Following last issue's cliffhanger ending the new tales of Sonja continue from Dynamite Carey Oeming Rubi Isanove Rodriguez and the best of the best cover artists!
In this issue the drama continues to unfold as new foes are met new allies found and new challenges rise to meet the She-Devil With a Sword! When the curtain is pulled back what evil will truly be revealed?
Featuring covers by: JG Jones Art Adams Mel Rubi (Wraparound cover at no extra cost) and legendary Red Sonja artist Frank Brunner (colored by Jose Villarrubia)!