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    The Batman Who Laughs

    Warner Bros. Discovery Global Consumer Products



    Introducing our chilling statue of the Batman Who Laughs! It’s a menacing masterpiece inspired by this formidable Super-Villain who represents a twisted combination of both Batman and The Joker. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this collectible statue captures the nightmarish fusion of the Dark Knight and the Clown Prince of Crime in all his malevolent glory. This premium digital collectible is a spine-chilling addition to any collector's display, encapsulating the grim and unsettling nature of the instantly iconic Batman Who Laughs. BATMAN and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC. (s24)


    드롭 날짜21 Jan 24, 04:00pm
    총 에디션 수2450
    남은 에디션
    에디션 타이프N/A
    목록 가격40